Miroslav Bata Marcetic was a
leading performer, soloist and choreographer,
with Serbian National Folk Ensemble "Kolo"
in Belgrade, Serbia and
Montenegro (former Yugoslavia) for seventeen years.
Miroslav has attended almost all folk dance seminars
held in former
Yugoslavia. Eventually, he became the instructor of several seminars held in
former Yugoslavia, Japan, and Israel and currently in Canada and the USA.
As a well-known choreographer, he was chosen by the Serbian Folk Dance
Association to be a judge at folklore competitions that were taking place in
Serbia and Montenegro.
He has created a great number of choreographies, which have won either first
or second prizes when participating in competitions.
Miroslav established his own school of dance,
"Academy of Serbian Folk
Dancing" (please visit: http://www.marcetic.com)
which includes 200 dancers
of all ages and over 100 seniors, and a folk band instructed and directed by
a music instructor, Mica Petrovic, a music coach par
excellence, whose last
forty years of his adult life have been dedicated to publicizing and
promoting Serbian folk music.
Miroslav is also the Artistic Director and
choreographer of Folk
Dance Ensembles: "Hajduk Veljko",
"Kordun" from Toronto, and "Kralj Petar
II" from Winona.
He is also working with the international folk dance community where he is
teaching Serbian and East-European dances. These include the Ontario Folk
Dance Association, Hamilton International, Mc Master University. His most
recent workshops were held in Bridgton, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; San
Antonio, Texas, Fairlee, Vermont; Pocono Manor
Resort, Pennsylvania and
Socorro, New Mexico.
Miroslav Bata Marcetic has
devoted his entire professional career to the
preservation and perpetuation of folklore and dance. His contribution to the
Canadian Serbian folklore community is significant.