Origin: Eastern Serbia
Source: Dobrivoje
Formation: Circle;
Hold hands in “V”
position or hold belts, arms forming an X with our partner, the L arm always in
front of R
Meter: 2/4
Danced in 10
Start with R
ft stepping to your right, cross back with the L. Repeat 3 times. On the 3rd
time balance on your R ft, holding L up.
Step L and R
putting your weight on each step and finishing balanced on your R with your L
leg bent up.
Step frwd
with L, cross over frwd with R and bow
Frwd with your L leg up again, step back with L and 2 quick steps in
place ending with R ft raised ready to go frwd.
Step frwd
with R ft, lifting L and bow once more, step back with your L, R ft ready to
start again.
Change first
three counts noted above with the following:
Hop on L,
quick R & L ending with R ft up ready to hop again.
twice. On the third beat put all your weight on your R and landing slightly to
your R
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
Origin: Eastern Serbia
Source: Zagubica
village dance group
Formation: Open circle
with arms in “V” or in “W” position
Meter: 2/4
- walk to R with R ft
R, L (slow,
slow), R, L, R (quick, quick, quick)
direction with L ft
Using R ft
together - step left L, to L step together step left R
Step on R -
left L slight twist body
Step on L -
left R slight twist body
Step on R -
left L slight twist body
Stamp L with
weight, stamp R 3 times
Move into
centre with same ftwk but raise arms slowly as you go in & bring them down
as you come out.
Figure 2
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
Origin: Eastern Serbia
Source: Dobrivoje
Formation: Open circle
with arms in “V” position
Meter: 2/4
Step R to R,
close L beside R; step R to R, close L beside R, kick L
Step L to L,
close R beside L; step L to L, close R beside L, kick R
Repeat this 3
more times (steps slightly crossing)
4 steps sdwrd R
to R, kick L
4 steps sdwrd L
to L, kick R
- Repeat this one
more time
R to R frwd, L
close bkwrd to R, R slightly bkwrd to R, L frwrd to R
Repeat 6 more
times in the same direction
Repeat all
steps to the L starting first with the L ft
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
Origin: Eastern Serbia
Source: Bela
Palanka village group
Formation: Open
circle with arms in “V” position or hold belts (waist level), arms forming an X with your
partner, the L arm always in front of R
Meter: 2/4
Step R to R, L is
dragging to the R,
- Repeat 2 more
times in the same direction. On the fourth count, step R to R putting all
weight on the R leg; L to L (fast) putting all weight in the L leg., R is raised,
ready for second figure
4 small steps in
place, R,L,R,L (R is in front of L, body facing centre with 45 degrees on your
left side)
- Repeat same
turning your body 45 degrees to your right, stating with L ft (in front of the
2 steps R to
R, L closing to R. On second count L is raised
L to L, R close to L, L to L putting your weight on L leg,
R to R putting all weight on your R leg (stressed)
Repeat same
starting with L to L side
R to R, L,R,
L is raised toward the centre
L to L, R,L,R is raised toward the centre
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
Origin: Gypsy dance from south Serbia
Formation: Open
circle with arms up. Snaking around.
L together L.
Reel on R behind L; reel on L behind R.
Crossing R over L with R together R & turn to face L.
Start dance from the beginning.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
Origin: Serbian dance from Kosovo region
Meter: 2/4
Formation: Open
circle facing the center with arms in “W” position.
Step on L to center; touch R toe beside L.
Step on R slightly diagonal R (arms move to right).
Step on L behind R (arms move to left).
Step R to R; touch L beside R.
Repeat Part 1 for a total of 11 times.
Moving toward the center but slightly diagonally right.
L together L.
Step on R to R (arms move to right); step L behind R (arms move to left).
Step R to R; touch L beside R.
Repeat Part 2 – 3 times.
Repeat Part 1 – 2 times.
Repeat Part 2 to the end of the dance, bringing the arms down.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
CICINO KOLO (Grandfather’s Kolo)
Origin: Central Serbia
Source: Slavica
Formation: Open circle
with arms in “V” position; bouncy
Meter: 2/4
Slow facing
centre; moving to right; bouncy.
Step on R to R;
step on L in front of R
Step on R to R;
step on L behind R
8 x
On 8th
time, close L to R
Face LOD
Walk bwd R, L, R,
2 quick steps, L, R with L ft slightly in back of R & R in place.
Walk L,R,L, quick
steps R, L with R slightly back of L & L in place.
Face centre.
Step R to R, step
L across R, step R to R, touch L.
Step L to L &
touch R; step R & touch L.
Repeat to L.
Face centre.
Step R to R, step
L across R, step R, 2 quick step L,R
(L slightly
behind R, R across L)
2 quick R,L (R
slightly behind L, across R); 2 quick steps L,R
(L slightly
behind R, R across L)
Repeat to L.
Repeat all of #4.
Facing centre;
moving to R diagonal
Step R, step L to
R, step R close L to R (no weight on L)
Step bkwd on
diagonal with L; close R to L (no weight on R)
Face diagonal L,
step bkwd on R, close L (no weight on L)
Repeat to L.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
MORAVSKO KOLO (Kolo from the Morava River Region)
Formation: Open circle
with hands in “V” pos. moving in LOD
Meter: 2/4
Step R to R, step
L across R, step R to R, touch L slightly fwd with no weight,
Step L to L, step
R across L, step L to L, touch R slightly fwd,
Step on R, touch
slightly, fwd, step on L, touch R slightly fwd with no weight.
Step R to R, left
L, step L across R, lift R.
Repeat Figure 1
Start on R ft.
Walk 8 bouncy steps to the R. (face centre)
Step on R with a
bend on R knee, step on L fwd & R behind L (S,Q,Q)
Step on L with a
bend on L knee, step on R fwd & L behind R (S,Q,Q)
Step on R with a
bend on R knee, step on L fwd & R behind L (S,Q,Q)
Step on L turning
to face R diagonal; step on R beside L.
Repeat Figure 2.
Walk to R, 2
steps R, L.
Step on R with a
bended knee, step on L slightly back.
Step on R in
front of L (S,Q,Q). Turn body slightly to the L.
Step on L with a
bended knee, step on R slightly back, step on L in front of R (S,Q,Q). Turn body
slightly to R.
Step on R with a
bended knee, step on L slightly back, step on R in front of L (S,Q,Q). Turn
body slightly to the L.
Facing R LOD,
step fwd on L, & R bend R knee.
Moving LOD,
moving bkwd, step on L (S), step on R, L (Q,Q)
Step on R (S), step
on L, R (QQ)
Step on L (S),
turning to face LOD, step on R (Q), step on L (Q).
Repeat Figure 3.
Start dance from
the beginning.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic