Origin: Eastern Serbia
Source: Dobrivoje
Formation: Open
circle with arms in “V” position facing centre
Meter: 2/4
Step R ft frwd
slow, L ft lift behind R calf.
Step L back,
raise R slightly off the ground, cross over L over R to R,
starting with R
On third
finish with L ft raised.
Step in place
(L, R) for two beats.
Repeat from
beginning but starting with L, going left.
Facing right,
step R, bring L behind R two times slow.
Starting with R,
triple step fast (1,2,3) 2x.
Hop right, hop
left slow.
Repeat from
beginning again going right.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic
STARA SAPCANKA (Old dance of the city of Sabac)
Origin: Western Serbia
Source: Village
Group Bogatic
Formation: Open
circle with hands in “V” position or promenade
Meter: 2/4
- Facing centre
Hop on L, step on
R, step on L. Jump on both feet & hold.
Step R to R, step
L in place, step R next to L.
Step L in place,
step R to R, step L in place.
Close R to L – hold
with weight on R.
- Repeat above
with opposite ftwk.
- Repeat all the
Step R fwd, step
L in place, step R next to L, step L in place, step R fwd.
Step L in place,
step on R with weight.
Repeat above
using L ft moving fwd & step R in place.
Moving to the
right – step R to R, step L behind ,
Step R to R, step
L behind, step R to R, step L behind,
Step on R with
Step L to L, step
R behind L, step L in place (1 & 2)
Step R to R, step
L behind R, step R in place (1 & 2)
Repeat Figure 2
in opposite direction & ftwk.
Presented by Miroslav Bata Marcetic